1. When did you start playing darts? When did it start getting ‘serious’?
I started playing darts at 11 years old, won my first title the same year as the Widnes individual champion. It was serious from the day I took to the Oche.
2. What darts do you use?
Darts I use is Lee scorpion Hayes darts 24g 90% Tungsten. Available to buy direct from myself.
3. Who do you play your non PDC darts for?
I like to play darts for different teams around the North West of England to keep the challenge of the game alive.
4. What darting ambitions do you have?
I would like to get to the top 32 in the world and make a living from the sport I love.
5. What’s your favourite tournament?
The best tournament to play these days for me would have to be PDC Q school, the talent is unreal there.
6. Describe your throw in 3 words.
Smooth, straight and precise
7. What was the highlight of 2012?
My highlight of 2012 was reaching the final of the Southport Premier League.
8. What do you do to relax away from darts?
I look after my family and I have an Autistic son that keeps me entertained.
9. Tell me something we don’t know about you?
I suffer with an illness called Bi-Polar
10. Do you have any darts weaknesses?
Dart weakness is the mind over matter with my condition, if I get something stuck in my head then it's hard to focus back.
11. Whats your walk-on tune and If not that what else would you walk on tune be?
That would have to be L.M.F.A.O .... Shuffling.
12. Do you take much notice of the social media side of darts i.e.: Twitter, Face book
Unfortunately I do go on these sites, but on the good side it's the worlds biggest free advertising sites.
13. When your not playing do you enjoy watching any other players play? Who?
I sponsor a couple of lads in the PDC and youth Lee Palfreyman and Conor Mayes that I like to support to the best I can.
14. Do you have any darting heroes?
As a man of the darting world I know most if not all the players in both the BDO and PDC but the guy I would like to see win on a regular basis is Gary Anderson. Jocky Wilson was the player I grew up to follow most R.I.P mate ....
15. Have you always wanted to be a darts pro? If you hadn’t of been that what would you be doing now?
Yes I have played darts for many years turning pro was on my list for many years. In my real world I am a very good handy man and can do very many tasks but I mostly tattoo people these days.
16. Do you enjoy the practise side of darts?
My game is not the same on the practice board as my game on the tour as I don't really get to compete at the same level on the practice board.
17. Do you have any funny printable darts stories you can tell me?
There are many of story's I could tell you but best kept away from the public ;)
18. If you could change the outcome of a match you have played in what would it be?

A Big thank you to Lee for doing this interview, it was a pleasure.
This interview was done on Wednesday the 8th of May 2013 by Richard.
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